Boss Lessons

Are you convinced that some people are born leaders? Or that the way things are is the way things are meant to be? And that it’s probably for the best that you just do what you’ve been told, no matter how stupidly your boss may be laying waste to the company. 

Boss Lessons will help you understand that leaders are made, not born. You can develop the skills of great leaders just like you can develop skills to play a sport, a musical instrument, or to use a computer. Do you feel like one of those extras in a low-budget office comedy, at the mercy of a butthead boss who knows nothing about leadership and yet controls your career?

With Boss Lessons, you can take charge of your life and lead yourself to where you want to go.

Mickey is not dogmatic in his style but prefers to show us many paths to leadership, which opens up more possibilities, for everyone to be a leader. His style is refreshing, easy to read and is just enough to put the true source of change, one self, on the path to mindful self discovery and meaningful change. I highly recommend this book; not as a self help book but a good read that sneaks up on you and helps guide you in the right direction.

—From a 5-star Amazon review